Saturday, March 28, 2015

In reading, 1-C has been studying different characters in books. We have been focusing on getting to know our characters by observing both physical and personality traits. To help us, we drew a picture of ourselves and added our very own personality and physical traits. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Quiz, Quiz, Switch!

1-C was so lucky to learn a new game today!! First, we used index cards to write down an addition or subtraction fact. Then, we danced around to music until the music stopped. Next, we had a find a partner by putting our hands together in the air. We each took turns reading our index card and providing answers to the facts.  Finally, we switched index cards and put our hands on head. Time for round two...  

Author Day! Daniel Kirk

Daniel Kirk came and visited us today! He spoke to us about his many books, including Snow Dude and the Library Mouse series. Before it was time to go, we were even able to sing a special song about writing. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

St. Patricks Day !

On St. Patrick's Day, 1-C was left a mess when the Leprechaun visited our class during lunch. Thankfully, we were able to get our classroom back in order when all of our friends worked together to clean up the mess.