Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Nature Marc

Today Nature Marc visited 1-C ! We learned many new things. He spoke to us about a frogs life cycle and how many animals change. 1-C was even able to see and touch real animals such as a frog and a bearded dragon. It was a great morning :) 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

100 Days of First Grade

This week 1-C celebrated the 100th day of school! To celebrate being 100 days smarter we completed various activities such as: counting out 100 Fruit Loops to make a necklace, a 100 day hat, and even completed exercises to keep our hearts healthy! In addition, we completed writing activities and even challenged ourselves to read 100 books as a class. We had a great day celebrating our learning in the first grade!! 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Counting to 120!

To get our brains ready for math, 1-C  played Pass the Paper. Pass the Paper is a fun math game where students are placed on 2 teams and must write numbers 1-120 in order! The team that finishes first...WINS!